FUMC Next of Carbondale
First United Methodist Church of Carbondale, IL

Statement of Purpose

FUMC Church Council unanimously approved the following motion

on Monday, October 16, 2023:

The FUMC Church Council endorses the following: We support participation of all LGBTQ+ people throughout the life and leadership of FUMC.

We support efforts by our conference and the United Methodist Church leadership to advocate and work toward removal of restrictive language in the Book of Discipline and move toward full inclusivity.

We are so thankful that so many of the FUMC Next supporters were present to listen to and participate in the discussion. The Church Council's commitment to creating a welcoming and diverse environment is truly appreciated.

The following individuals have expressed their support of this Statement of Purpose.

Debbie Asaturian

Evelyn Bailey

Cindy Bertsch

Laura Bishop

Matt Bishop

Lily Bishop

Donna Butler

Bill Crippen

Joyce Crippen

Judy Dillinger

Janet Earnest

Andy Earnest

George Everingham

Shirley Everingham

Joan Hart

In-Sook Hwang

Milly Kaiser

Bobbe Lenzini

Carol Mocaby

Al Morgan

Bob Morwell

John Sims

Sharon Sims

Sue Stucky

John Washburn

Sally Washburn

Bob Weiss

Jan Weiss

Pam Yarbrough

Steve Yarbrough

Gene Morgan

Mariann Oberg

Gary Austin

Jan Austin

Cindy Massie

Jennifer Presar

Leah Farrar-White

Connie Kleven

Steve Mitchell

Anita Hutton

Angie Ransom

Pat Cuendet

John Brocato

Duane Cole

Betty Graig

John Annable

Marilyn Annable

Lisa Washburn Owens

Linda White

Shadi Frick

Douglas Baker

Amy Baker

Nelda Hinckley

Mary Beth Aguilar

Beth (Gallegly) Fender

Lindsey Bailey

Darren Bailey

Janet M. Vaught

Tracy Gibson

Della J. Fulk

Greg Cook

Nancy Cook

Kathy Hollister

Jo Vonna Noble

Joseph Powers

Jim Oberg

Mari Ann Oberg

Jan Waggoner

Karen Frick

Kay Eckiss

Monty Smith

Larry Dunlap-Berg

Barb Dunlap-Berg

Kristen Dunlap-Berg

Robert Lucas

Linda Lucas

Kayli Lucas

Jaden Lucas

Joe Miller

Pat Bullard

Gaye Auxier

Randall Auxier

Tasha Morwell

Nina Morwell

Khara Lukancic

Dick Daesch

Carole Daesch

Learn More about Inclusive Methodism

Adam Hamilton's Blog

Biblical Perspectives on Homosexuality by Walter Wink

Uniting Methodists

FUMCNext Carbondale Facebook Page

United Methodist News Service

United Methodist News Service

Recording of January 13, 2020, Panel Discussion

The panelists described how they developed the Protocol of Reconciliation & Grace Through Separation, a proposal that they are working to have drafted as legislation and sent to General Conference. The proposal, announced Jan. 3, would provide a means for traditionalists to leave The United Methodist Church and form their own denomination, as well as a way for others to leave the denomination within a specified time. Proponents emphasize that no one is being asked to leave the church.

General Conference UMC Plans Chart -- a good comparison of current plans.